Building Websites with Drupal 8

Building Websites with Drupal 8

Everything you need to get a basic Drupal website or blog up and running, including:
-- Installing Drupal
-- Installing Drupal modules and themes
-- Adding, creating and moderating content
-- Configuring the WYSIWYG editor in Drupal (adding/removing buttons from the toolbar, etc)
-- Creating user accounts and managing permissions
-- Adding, removing and reordering menu links
-- Assigning SEO-friendly URLs to pages, and having them generated automatically
-- Creating and positioning blocks
-- Tagging content with the Taxonomy system
-- Managing comments
-- Updating modules and other regular Drupal maintenance
-- Evaluating modules and themes on
-- Content Types and Views

Learn to build powerful database applications and complex websites without programming. We will cover:
-- Creating custom content types and forms
-- Adding fields to content types and customizing their display
-- Handling uploaded images, including automatic resizing of images
-- Linking content together with reference fields
-- Creating dynamic, searchable lists of content with Views (pages and blocks)
-- Creating custom RSS feeds